Friday, August 14, 2009

Japanese habit –TATAMI(2)

Underneath the surface mat is the inner core of the TATAMI. It is about 5.5 cm thick.
Traditionally, this is made entirely from rice straw, which offers the perfect degree of firmness, while allowing the air to pass through it.A TATAMI is made up of three components. The surface material, known as the TATAMI-OMOTE , the inner core TATAMI-DOKO, and the border material TATAMI-BERI.
most foreigners who come to Japan have a chance to experience tatami. And they're very important part of Japanese experience. But most people don't know much about their history and how they are made. there are increasingly fewer tatami rooms these days. But tatami have various good points. indeed, one thing is how their direction of the mats are laid affects the way light is reflected around the room.   Many foreigners have no idea about that kind of thing(not stepping or sitting on the borders of the mats). they often get it wrong in foreign movies about Japan.

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