Sunday, May 31, 2009

coffee break

I love it!




よろい: armour

地味色:subduded colour
お茶の茶碗:tea cup

急須:tea pot
お猪口:sake cup

徳利:sake flask





注ぐ pour

世界遺産:world heritage




城下町:castle town



Saturday, May 30, 2009

japanese traditional- tea ceremonoy

this is a scene of tea ceremony . I wish you will enjoy it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

delicious cake

it was very delicious,too!


Meanwhile a quiet revolution is taking place among younger women. NAOKO ANZAI, a active career women who had dated Japanese men in the past , says she can't imagine typing the knot with one because their way of life is boring and uncreative. I didn't want to be fitted into a mold. says the 35-year-old ANZAI. who recently married a European. More women, in fact , are choosing to get withed with a foreigner. The number of Japaneses females marring a none -Japanese steadily rose to 7477 in 1998 from 5600 in 1990 small number but indicative of the greater options women have . And some women are just opting to wait. Until quite recently , unmarried women in their late 20s were dismissed as "unsold Christmas cake" whose market value plummets after the holidays. But now marry more hold off getting married until well int their 30s. Their reason? salary men are no longer the prize they once were, now that lifetime employment, is a thing of the past. Besides, many more women are capable of earning a living . In the past , women dedicated themselves to the family, while men concentrated on their work and society thrived says ANZAI. This structure is now beginning to crumble "Another sign of change in Japan

Thursday, May 28, 2009

coffee break -cake

it was very delicious!

*==The DARK SIDE ==*
The rising divorce rate reveals the dark side of Japan's boom years. when men toiled and partied long hours. while women submissively held the fort. The wives are saying : we don't want to take care of the husband til the end of our lives , says YOKO TAJIMA , professor of women's studies at HOSEI University in TOKYO. They finally wan to live as they want. Common these days are TEINEN-RIKON or retirement-age divorces where the women divorces her husband when he quits his company usually at 60 and often with a handsome bonus. FUMIKO KANAZUMI a TOKYO attorney, says that increasingly women are winning nearly 50% of the family assets when getting a divorce. And judges are favoring divorce filings from women who claim their husbands never did anything to make the marriage work.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


this is a scene of the GAGAKU "Ranryoou" which I introuduced the day before.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


this the completely rebuilt temple, very beautiful!

Monday, May 25, 2009


GAGAKU is a traditional dance which usually be played at a ceremony at the shrine. and this one scene of "RANRYOOU". the story is there was a very beautiful general (RANRYOUOU), he was so beautiful that the solders can not concentrate to fight. so the general command with a mask and win.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

the shrine was rebuilding

this the scene when the temple was rebuilding the last year.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

shirne dance

here is the india dance in the HOTAKA shrine.what do you think ? does not it wonderful?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hotaka shrine -ceremony

HOTAKA shrine (in Nagano Pref. Japan) rebuilt the temple every 20 years. this time it began the last year, and finished this year. this is a ceremony event. why the India dance?

I don't know. but it was wonderful!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

coffee break - cherry blossoms mousse

this is the first item that I wrote. I want to introduce about me , and where I live. and so on. but at the fist , let's have a coffee break! what a beautiful mousse with the cherry blossoms color!


KIKUKO OTAKE,52,describes her recently ended. marriage as typical for one thing, whenever she sought her former husband's opinion on their children's education, he would say he could not be bothered, because he was busy reading the news paper or watching television. We were a typical couple where communications was absent. says OTAKE. NO too long ago, OTAKE would probably have suffered in silence. But now divorce in an potion that's become acceptable in Japan. and OTAKE took it: She and her husband split up after 25 years of marriage. Japanese salary men are struggling in their work place. dogged by restricting and salary cuts . But they face a domestic crisis as well. As women rethink their relationships with their hidebound husbands leading this trend are couples varied for 20 years or longer. Last year , some 4000 cases of divorce for this long-married group were reported. double the number in 1990.