Friday, July 23, 2010
firework(full-blown) MTV
Sunday, July 18, 2010
firework(blowed flower down like rain) MTV
I have introduced you about the fire work here and some.
you can see several large, Oh, huge fire work like blown flower. And they fall down like rain!
last: 続く(一定期間・時間)
Each starbursts lasts just five or ten seconds. But these fleeting moments of beautiful pyrotechnics never fail to captivate the watching crowds.
The rainy season lasts about a month.
The AOI festival in Kyoto has lasts (for) about 70 minutes.
The climax of any firework display is a rapid-fire series of bursts called "star-mines". Hundreds of fireworks are launched to form a blazing curtain in the sky.
thousands of 何千もの
tens of thousands of 何万もの
hundreds thousands of 何十万もの
millions of 何百万もの
tens of thousands of fireworks are launched in a single night.
firework display 花火大会
shell 花火玉
willow 柳
handheld fireworks 手持ち花火
spherical 丸い
the transience of life 命のはかなさ
the AOI festival in KYOTO 京都の葵祭
the rainy season 梅雨
Guy fawkes night : イギリス・11月行われる、過去GUY FAWKESがテロで失敗を祝う祭り、冬の寒さを飛ばすエネルギー激しいもの
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
firework , a lot people
Monday, July 12, 2010
- served as sushi, they have long been a favourite delicacy.
- sushi has long been a favourite delicacy for the Japanese
A consist of B AはBから構成されている
- Each portion consists of a bite-sized serving of vinegared rice and a topping.
- SIKOKU consists of 4 prefectures
- A shoji consists of a wooden lattice and Japanese paper
- NIGARIZUSI consists of vinegared rice and a topping.
a favourite delicacy :大好物
a wooden lattice :木の枠
delicacy :ごちそう
vinegar :お酢
paddle :しゃもじ
fan :あおる
horseradish :わさび (horse-radish?? ^@^)
food stall :屋台
prepare : 加熱を伴わない調理・材料を洗ったり切ったりという調理を含む
cook : 加熱を伴う調理
-The chief blends vinegar into steaming-hot, freshly cooked rice, using a paddle.
-This is the technique for preparing sushi.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
- the TOkaido was the main highway linking EDO with KYOTo, the old capital.
- the great SETO bridge links HONSYU with SIKOKU.
- the TOKAIDO linked EDO with KYOTO.
describe : (文章で)描写する
depict : (絵で)描写する
- the first print in HIROSIGE's 53 stations of the TOKAIDO depicts NIHONBASI in the centre of EDO.
- This print depicts NIHONBASI. こうれは日本橋の絵である。
- This painting depicts ODANOBUNAGA これは織田信長の肖像絵である。
- The first print in the 53 stations of the TOKAIDO depicts NIHONBASI.
old capital 古都
highway 街道
woodblock print 木版画
pigment 絵の具・顔料
masterpiece 傑作
浮世絵: print (pictureではない)
draw: 線を引いて書く
paint: 絵の具を塗って書く
write: 字を書く
Saturday, July 10, 2010
yuzen kimono
come in ・・手に入る、売られている
this holding fan comes in five colours. 5色ある
kimono come in man style. 多くの形式がある
this jacket comes in 3 size. 3サイズある
be named after ・・にちなんで名前付けられた
the yuzen dyeing process is named after MIyazaki Yuzensai, an extremely popular painter during Edo period.
My name is FUJIO. I was named after the Mt.FUJI.
dye 染める
long-sleeved kimono 振袖
motif モチーフ
flower pattern 花柄
starch のり
outline 輪郭線
put on kimono 動作
wear kimono 着ている状態
put on a hat かぶる
put on glasses かける
put on kimono 着る
put on pants はく
perticulaly? 特別
Friday, July 9, 2010

the table is covered with a tablecloth.
the top of MtFUJI is covered with snow.
talking with food in your mouth is unrefined.
leaving the shoes untidy is unrefined.

refine :上品
unrefined : 上品ではない
untidy :そろわない
tatami border:畳の縁
shoji screen:障子
a tatami 単数形
tatami/tatami mats 複数形

unrefined が妥当
Thursday, July 8, 2010
play a central role in
play a essential role in
Good water plays an essential role in making SAKE.
A CHASEN is used to whisk tea.
be used as n ・・として使われている
bamboo charcoal is used as a deodorant.
he is a greenhorn 彼は青二才だ
he is still green at this job. 彼はこの仕事には未熟だ
deodorant 消臭剤
scare away 追い払う
tanabata festival 七夕
rake 熊の手
good fortune 福
the Milky way 天の川
shrine 神社
scarecrow かかし
scare 脅す
crow からす
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
firework(several upped together) MTV
you can see several large firewok upped together and full-blown in the sky!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
the term GYGURO( 玉露) is used for high quality green tea leaves.
the term SAKE(酒) is used for alcoholic drinks.
the term BENTO(弁当) is used for portable packed meals.
For the Japanese, preparing BENTO is a way to express their feelings.
- rib リブ
Saturday, July 3, 2010
fish and seafood

HoakkaiDo is blessed with the bounties of nature.
I was blessed with excellent teachers.
Japan is blessed with a huge variety of fish and seafood all year round.
A is served with B ・・・Aの付け合せにBが出される
It is usually served with grated daikon radish, soy sauce and a citrus juice.
sushi is often served with pickled ginger.
sukiyaki is often served with a raw egg.
grilled sanma is usually served with grated daikon radish.

a raw egg 生卵
grated daiko radish 大根おろし
fish and seafood 魚介類
cast net 投網
hotpot 鍋・鍋料理
eel うなぎ
pacific squry さんま
snow crab ズワイガニ
Friday, July 2, 2010
tokyo tower
tokyo tower is visited by many people. 事実を述べている
tokyo tower draws many people. 東京タワーに魅力があり、たくさんの人が着てくれた。
tokyo tower draws many sightseers through out the year.
It also draws numerous sightseers through tout the year - and over the past half century it has welcomed some 150 million visitors.
a high building (形に関係なく)高いビル