Monday, July 5, 2010


I have introduced you about bento here. the term A is used for b

the term GYGURO( 玉露) is used for high quality green tea leaves.
the term SAKE(酒) is used for alcoholic drinks.
the term BENTO(弁当) is used for portable packed meals.
a way to v ・・するための手段・方法

For the Japanese, preparing BENTO is a way to express their feelings.
bento box  :弁当箱
fish paste  :かまぼこ
bullet train :新幹線
rice ball  :おにぎり
blossom-viewing party :花見
- 稲 rice plant
- もみ unhulled rice
- 白米 white rice
- 飯・ご飯  cooked rice
- tongue   タン 
- rib     リブ
- sirloin   サーロイン
- tenderloin テンダーロイン
(牛)   (牛)+肉
cow beef
pig pork
sheep mutton reminded ? 関心

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