Saturday, July 3, 2010

fish and seafood

I have introduced you about fish here. blessed with ・・に恵まれた
HoakkaiDo is blessed with the bounties of nature.
I was blessed with excellent teachers.
Japan is blessed with a huge variety of fish and seafood all year round.

A is served with B  ・・・Aの付け合せにBが出される
It is usually served with grated daikon radish, soy sauce and a citrus juice.
sushi is often served with pickled ginger.
sukiyaki is often served with a raw egg.
grilled sanma is usually served with grated daikon radish.
pickled ginger ガリ
a raw egg  生卵
grated daiko radish 大根おろし
fish and seafood 魚介類
cast net 投網
hotpot 鍋・鍋料理
eel うなぎ
pacific squry さんま
snow crab ズワイガニ
てんぷら: スペイン語のtempora ポルトガル語のtemporas
tabaco 煙草
capa 合羽・カッパ
confeito 金平糖
guitar ギター

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