Sunday, July 18, 2010

firework(blowed flower down like rain) MTV

I have introduced you about the fire work here and some.

you can see several large, Oh, huge fire work like blown flower. And they fall down like rain!

last: 続く(一定期間・時間)

Each starbursts lasts just five or ten seconds. But these fleeting moments of beautiful pyrotechnics never fail to captivate the watching crowds.

The rainy season lasts about a month.

The AOI festival in Kyoto has lasts (for) about 70 minutes.

The climax of any firework display is a rapid-fire series of bursts called "star-mines". Hundreds of fireworks are launched to form a blazing curtain in the sky.


thousands of  何千もの

tens of thousands of  何万もの

hundreds thousands of 何十万もの

millions of 何百万もの

tens of thousands of fireworks are launched in a single night.


firework display 花火大会

shell     花火玉

willow    柳

handheld fireworks  手持ち花火

spherical  丸い

the transience of life 命のはかなさ

the AOI festival in KYOTO 京都の葵祭

the rainy season  梅雨


Guy fawkes night : イギリス・11月行われる、過去GUY FAWKESがテロで失敗を祝う祭り、冬の寒さを飛ばすエネルギー激しいもの

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