Sunday, July 11, 2010


I have introduced you about hirosige here. link A with B  AとBをつなぐ
- the TOkaido was the main highway linking EDO with KYOTo, the old capital.
- the great SETO bridge links HONSYU with SIKOKU.
- the TOKAIDO linked EDO with KYOTO.

describe : (文章で)描写する
depict : (絵で)描写する
- the first print in HIROSIGE's 53 stations of the TOKAIDO depicts NIHONBASI in the centre of EDO.
- This print depicts NIHONBASI.     こうれは日本橋の絵である。
- This painting depicts ODANOBUNAGA これは織田信長の肖像絵である。
- The first print in the 53 stations of the TOKAIDO depicts NIHONBASI.

old capital 古都

highway   街道

woodblock print 木版画

pigment 絵の具・顔料

masterpiece 傑作


浮世絵: print (pictureではない)

draw: 線を引いて書く

paint: 絵の具を塗って書く

write: 字を書く

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