Thursday, September 3, 2009

Japanese traditional food –MACHYA(2)

Once the tea is properly mixed with the water, it is ready to be drunk. hot water is added, using a bamboo scoop(HISYAKU). then it is whisked briskly, using a special tea whisk(TYASEN), also made from bamboo.

A teapot is not used. instead, the powdered tea is placed directly in the bowl from which it will be drunk. the leaves remain in the pot, so they are not directly consumed.

Like other kinds of Japanese tea, MATCHA is made form the dried leaves of the tea plant. However, in the case of MATCHA, the leaves are ground to a fine powder. the unique fragrance and flavor of green tea go well with dairy products, so it is perfect as an ingredient in Western desserts.

I've drunk MACHYA many times at tea ceremonies. And I have to admit it's not really my cup of tea, because it's rather bitter taste. But I think it's an important part of Japan's traditional tea culture. And many foreigners are interested in the tea ceremony and MACHYA products.Yes, I think probably most foreign visitors and residents enjoy visiting them. there are many different kinds of deserts using MACHYA. like with the ice cream. it was very delicious.

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