The centennial of 1691 of the death of SEN NO RIKYU occasioned a renewed estimation of RIKYU, and consequently his direct heirs, meaning the heads of the three SEN houses known as these three, came into the limelight during this age.
1.the OMOTESENKE(表千家, hereditary name of the head of this house, SEN SOSA,千宗左)
In due course, the IEMOTO(家元) system was adopted in the world of chanoyu. This system is unique to Japan, and nowadays it tends to be viewed as peculiar to chanoyu, which is because chanoyu is believed as peculiar to chanoyu, which is because chanoyu is believed to embrace the most people under this system. Actually, however, the IEMOTO system exist widely among the fields of artistic accomplishments and martial arts that developed in Japan.
Although there are differences depending on how finely it has been organized, basically in this system the person who succeeds to the position of IEMOTO(head master of the house/school) is at the top, those who are pursing mastery in that school of artistic accomplishment, etc. are gathered together, and a hierarchy is constructed. The art or techniques is broken down into KATA(型), or model forms, and what supports the hierarchy is the

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