Transparent jelly is used to give summer treats according appearance. This wagasi is intended to evoke the feel of water weed waving in a chilly stream.
Traditional autumn confections reflect the colours of the turning leaves and seasonal fruits. The onset of winter is represented by wagasi like these.
Some time around the 8th century, simple confections were brought into Japan from China. Their ingredients were rice and flour, and they were deep-fried.
In the mid-16th century, a major revolution occurred in the history of Japanese confections. European trading ships arrived, bringing confections using a lot of sugar,which,up to that time, had been a rare delicacy in Japan.
Confections using a lots of sugar were widely considered as luxuries, and in the middle of the Edo period they became very popular. As a result, a profusion of wagasi were produced. As time went by,the wagasi connected with the tea ceremony, traditional aristocratic culture and various annual events gradually developed into beautiful confections that can truly be described as "edible art".
Confections using a lots of sugar were widely considered as luxuries, and in the middle of the Edo period they became very popular. As a result, a profusion of wagasi were produced. As time went by,the wagasi connected with the tea ceremony, traditional aristocratic culture and various annual events gradually developed into beautiful confections that can truly be described as "edible art".
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