Who's the fairest of them all? ask snow White's stepmother before plotting to kill her young raven-hated competition. Hansel and Gretel head to the forest knowing their father's new life would like to see them dead. Cinderella is relatively lucky: Her stepmother relegates her to the chimney corner, but at least she doesn't threader her life. Similar tales starring evil stepmothers can be found in cultures abound the world. Leading social scientists to wonder if this archetype might be rooted in fact.
indeed, scientists who study modera step families/generally agree that families with a full-time stepmothering is simply lander. Do worse than families with a step father. It maybe that stepmothering is simply harder, because the children's' bond with the biological mother is often very powerful . As university of Nebraska-Lincoln sociolgist Lynn White notes a man can be decent step father simply by being a provider and nice guy. But a stepmother is often called upon to establish gut-level empathy and attachment traits that are difficult, if not impossible to fabricate. It is also possible, white adds that the children have a poorer relationship with their father to begin with. A frailty that many weaken the basic foundation of the new family whatever the reason, step mothers and step children and the big losers in these reconfigured families.
Evil step mothers? But such step fathers are actually quite rare in fact, most step families are formed when a biological mother. remarries. So why isn't literature filled with evil stepfathers instead? According to Martin Daly and Margo wilson. authors of the truth about Cinderella step fathers do not come off all that well either. they are often lustful as well as cruel.
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